

Derya Bodur, Metin Demiralp



Separate Node Ascending Derivatives Expansion (SNADE) as a Univariate Function Representation

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This work focuses on the novel approach which is named as “Seperate Node Ascending Derivatives (SNADE)”. SNADE is a very recently developed univariate function representation. This method has a similar structure to the Taylor series expansion. Two specific cases related recurrent nodes with reference to certain rules are handled in this paper.


SNADE, Integral Operator, Taylor Series, Multinode Expansion, Cauchy Contour Integral


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Cite this paper

Derya Bodur, Metin Demiralp. (2016) Separate Node Ascending Derivatives Expansion (SNADE) as a Univariate Function Representation. International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods, 1, 195-200


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