

Andrey Kurkin, Efim Pelinovsky, Dmitry Tyugin, Oxana Kurkina, Vladimir Belyakov, Vladimir Makarov, Denis Zeziulin



Coastal Remote Sensing Using Unmanned Ground Vehicles

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Determination of optimal conditions for monitoring coastal zones, especially for locations poorly provided by observations, is one of the most important tasks of the forecast of marine natural disasters. The project covers the development of a technology for monitoring and forecasting the state of the coastal zone environment using radar equipment transported by unmanned ground vehicles (UGV). Sought-after areas of application are the eastern and northern coasts of Russia, where continuous collection of information on topographic changes of the coastal zone and carrying out hydrodynamic measurements and determination of speed and sizes of drifting ice in inaccessible to human environment, are required. This paper presents a new developed UGV for coastal monitoring designed at NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev. For operating in various climatic and landscape conditions there has been chosen the special modular structure with the possibility of re-equipping by different types of movers (wheeled, tracked, rotary-screw). Preliminary evaluation of the functional effectiveness of the technology has been made and the feasibility of developing UGV for coastal remote sensing has been proved.


hydrodynamic measurements, coastal monitoring, unmanned ground vehicles


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Cite this paper

Andrey Kurkin, Efim Pelinovsky, Dmitry Tyugin, Oxana Kurkina, Vladimir Belyakov, Vladimir Makarov, Denis Zeziulin. (2016) Coastal Remote Sensing Using Unmanned Ground Vehicles. Environmental Science, 1, 183-189


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