

Can Baran Morkoc, Ozlem Coskun



Barcode Automation System Design with the New Generation Smarket Car

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Today, there is no electronic environment that displays instant product information and total price for shopping in most markets. In this study, a new generation smarket car barcode automation system was designed by adding a barcode reader system to the shopping carts and/or baskets in the markets, and the total price of all the products purchased and the prices of all the products purchased one by one without going to the cashier. In this way, both customers and cashiers will be saved from wasting time and market employees will be able to deal with customers more closely.


New Generation Smarket Car, Barcode Automation, Arduino Mega


Cite this paper

Can Baran Morkoc, Ozlem Coskun. (2023) Barcode Automation System Design with the New Generation Smarket Car. International Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement, 8, 1-6


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