

Michael Gr. Voskoglou



A Markov Chain Model for the APOS/ACE Instructional Treatment of Mathematics

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The ACE teaching style is the pedagogical approach of the APOS instructional treatment of mathematics implemented with the help of computers. In this paper a Markov Chain model is introduced on the components of the ACE cycle on the purpose of studying mathematically its flow-diagram. This leads to a measure evaluating the student difficulties in learning mathematics. A classroom example is also presented illustrating the applicability and usefulness of the model.


APOS theory, ACE teaching style of mathematics, Markov Chain (MC), Absorbing MC, Fundamental matrix, Derivative


Cite this paper

Michael Gr. Voskoglou. (2019) A Markov Chain Model for the APOS/ACE Instructional Treatment of Mathematics. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 4, 1-6


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