

Colin Egan, Kieran Bagnall



Computer Software Support to Enable Autistic Users to Manipulate Website Design

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Autism, Internet, Mobile web, Mobile devices, Apple, Google, Gestalt Principles, WCAG, Native Applications, Hybrid Applications


The use of mobile devices for day to day interactions for both professional and personal purposes has exploded in recent years, with most people fully dependent on these devices. As these devices are now cheaper and part of main stream society, some users do not necessarily possess the correct knowledge or mental faculties to interact with these devices correctly. This, in turn, exacerbates limitations within these devices and prevents select users from experiencing the devices content in the same way as others. An example of these limitations would be screen size and the scaling of content to fit such a smaller workspace. As a result, design is a major factor in providing beautiful yet functional spaces, but good functional design layout does not necessarily indicate accessible content. The purpose of this study is to examine Autism and technology, focusing on the effects developers’ design decisions have when interacting with mobile web content.

Cite this paper

Colin Egan, Kieran Bagnall. (2016) Computer Software Support to Enable Autistic Users to Manipulate Website Design. International Journal of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 1, 1-9