AUTHOR(S): Jose Lucas Da Silva, Humberto Cesar Chaves Fernandes, Humberto Dionisio De Andrade
TITLE Study of Microstrip Antenna Behavior with Metamaterial Substrate of SRR Type Combined with TW |
KEYWORDS Antenna, metamaterial, microstrip, SRR, substrate, TW. |
ABSTRACT This work aims to characterize microstrip antennas working on microwave band, especially their behavior in frequency band from 6 GHz to 16 GHz, when they are on metamaterial substrate. These microstrip antennas allow their structure miniaturization, which is important to the equipment that uses those antennas. The main characteristic of the metamaterials shows special features of permissiveness and permeability, which are not found in natural state materials, whose main effect is the refraction negative index. Due to these characteristics, the application is allowed in several electromagnetism and optical means.
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Cite this paper Jose Lucas Da Silva, Humberto Cesar Chaves Fernandes, Humberto Dionisio De Andrade. (2016) Study of Microstrip Antenna Behavior with Metamaterial Substrate of SRR Type Combined with TW. International Journal of Communications, 1, 9-13 |