

Sang-Woo Lee, Hyuk-Chan Kwon, Jung-Chan Na



Standardization Issues on Secure Vehicular Communication

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Connected vehicles are considered as the key enabling technology in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) environment. However, connected vehicles without security function can make ITS applications vulnerable to various security threats. Recently, many standard organizations are working on making international standard related with vehicular communication security. This paper presents state of the art of standardization on ITS security and issues being considered by standard development organizations. In particular, this paper elaborates standardization activity and security consideration in ITU-T Security Group.


Vehicular communication security, ITS security, Standardization, V2X communication security


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Cite this paper

Sang-Woo Lee, Hyuk-Chan Kwon, Jung-Chan Na. (2017) Standardization Issues on Secure Vehicular Communication. International Journal of Communications, 2, 19-23


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