AUTHOR(S): Dragana Krstic, Zoran Jovanovic, Radmila Gerov, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Milan Gligorijevic
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ABSTRACT Wireless communication system working over Gamma shadowed Nakagami-m multipath fading channel in the presence of cochannel interference exposed to Nakagami-m short term fading and Gamma long term fading is investigated in this work. In interference limited channel, the ratio of desired signal envelope and interference is important performance measure. For considered model signal to interference ratio can be calculated as the ratio of two products of square rooted Gamma random variable and Nakagami-m random variable. In this paper, the closed form expression for probability density function (PDF), moments and moment generating function (MGF) of output SIR will be calculated. The influences of Nakagami-m short term fading severity parameter and Gamma long term fading severity parameter on moments of the first and the second order will be discussed. |
Cochannel interference, Gamma shadowing, moments, probability density function, Nakagami-m fading |
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Cite this paper Dragana Krstic, Zoran Jovanovic, Radmila Gerov, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Milan Gligorijevic. (2016) Performance Analysis of Wireless Communication System in the Presence of Gamma Shadowing, Nakagami-m Multipath Fading and Cochannel Interference. International Journal of Communications, 1, 150-157 |