

Mirjana Tankosic, Pavle Ivetic, Karlo Mikelic



Managing Internal and External Communication in a Competitive Climate via EDI Concept

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Electronic data interchange (EDI), a specific form of interorganizational systems, has the potential to significantly influence business operations and the exchange of business documents in a number of industries and to provide substantive tangible and intangible benefits to the participating firms. EDI within organizations continues to grow, it becomes increasingly desirable to establish a tactical linkage between the strategic value of EDI and observed operational benefits. This study shows EDI implementation, which has three dimensions: integration, internal and external communication, and performance. Also, it shows that the success of any company depend on the good flow of communication which is the main aim of EDI. The main purpose of EDI concept from the standpoint of the organization is its successful functioning through internal and external communication. Internal communication is information and ideas exchange within the organization itself, while external communication means exchange of information both within the organization itself and outside the organization.


Communication, internal communication, external communication, Electronic data interchange (EDI), Value Added Network (VAN), competitive advantage


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Mirjana Tankosic, Pavle Ivetic, Karlo Mikelic. (2017) Managing Internal and External Communication in a Competitive Climate via EDI Concept. International Journal of Communications, 2, 1-6


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