

Mohamed A. El-Zawawy



HALBRP: History-Aware Load Balanced Routing Protocol in Delay Tolerant Networks

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Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) can be defined as groups of moving hosts that form networks with quickly changing dynamic topologies. In such networks, there is no pre-assumed control center or infrastructure. This is so as the network nodes are randomly mobile and located. The nature of such networks makes efficient routing in them an involved problem. This paper presents HALBRP, a new History-Aware Load-Balanced Routing Protocol in Delay Tolerant Networks. The proposed technique uses a precise method (presented in the paper) to measure the load of a node before adding any extra load (in the form of new packets) to the node. The method of calculating the load of a node takes into consideration the history of the node content of messages.



HALBRP, DTNs, History-Aware Routing, Load-Balanced Routing, Delay Tolerant Networks, Routing Protocols



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Cite this paper

Mohamed A. El-Zawawy. (2016) HALBRP: History-Aware Load Balanced Routing Protocol in Delay Tolerant Networks. International Journal of Communications, 1, 132-136


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