AUTHOR(S): Otavio Lavor, Humberto, Fernandes, Almir Silva Neto
TITLE Design of Microstrip Antennas Arrays for Applications in Wireless Communications |
KEYWORDS Microstrip antenna, linear array, circular array, circular patch, gain, wireless communications |
ABSTRACT This paper analyses the influence of microstrip antenna arrays designed for a frequency of 2.5 GHz, aiming at applications in wireless communications, in special, 4G Technology. From a standard antenna with circular patch, elements are introduced to obtain linear and circular array, since arrays are interesting, whenever it want high gains. While the linear arrays are simple and practical, circular arrays can provide better symmetry. All prototypes are built and measured data are compared with the simulated data showing a good agreement |
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Cite this paper Otavio Lavor, Humberto, Fernandes, Almir Silva Neto. (2016) Design of Microstrip Antennas Arrays for Applications in Wireless Communications. International Journal of Communications, 1, 50-53 |