TITLE Data Collecting Protocol Based on a Rooted Tree for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
ABSTRACT A simple communication protocol that effectively enables a base station to collect data from nodes in wireless ad hoc networks is proposed. The proposed protocol assumes that the network is constructed using a data transmission modem that does not support network functions; moreover, the network is assumed to be multihop. Because radio waves transmitted from nodes may generate interference, packets issued simultaneously will collide. Thus, the protocol must provide a routing function and avoid packet collisions. To satisfy these requirements, the proposed method employs a token passing method that utilizes a rooted tree structure, which is extracted from a given network. By utilizing the tree structure, the routing mechanism is significantly simplified. Furthermore, packet collisions are avoided by allowing only one node to transmit a packet. The algorithm that extracts a rooted tree from a given network is also shown. The feasibility and performance of the proposed protocol was examined on a prototype network. |
KEYWORDS ad hoc network, tree, routing, token passing, communication protocol, wireless network |
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Cite this paper Satoru Ohta. (2016) Data Collecting Protocol Based on a Rooted Tree for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal of Communications, 1, 110-116 |