

Leonardo Pinto De Magalhaes, Sergio Adriani David, Rafael Vieira De Sousa, Rubens Andre Tabile



Suspension System in a Spray Boom Using a Fractional PID Controller

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This work investigates, by means of numerical simulations, a suspension system in a spray boom using a fractional PID controller. In recent years, an increase in global demand for food has required a major usage of fertilizers and pesticides. However, their applications in agriculture should be as uniform as possible, reducing waste, production losses, economic consequences and environmental contamination. In general, it has been given greater importance to the active ingredient used like poison over application of techniques and equipment. That means that there is a decrease incontrol, leading to an increase in recommended doses for application. In order to decrease the scroll of the spray boom and thus ensure more uniform application, the modern sprayers are equipped with a suspension that has the function of keeping the spray boom parallel to the ground. This suspension requires a control system that optimizes its stabilization function. In this study, a fractional controller is applied to sprayer when it is in operation. Simulated and experimental data are considered. The experimental data of acceleration caused by vibration in the spray bar are obtained with the use of sensors installed on the bar. The main and preliminary results show a better performance of the fractional P???????? controller when compared to a classical PID. Therefore, such controllers can contribute to the development of more efficient systems involving applying pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture.


Control in Complex Systems, Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, Nonlinear Fractional Dynamics and Applications


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Cite this paper

Leonardo Pinto De Magalhaes, Sergio Adriani David, Rafael Vieira De Sousa, Rubens Andre Tabile. (2016) Suspension System in a Spray Boom Using a Fractional PID Controller. International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods, 1, 109-114


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