

M. Filomena Teodoro



Numerical Approach of a Nonlinear Forward-backward Equation

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This paper contains a computational approximation for the solution of a forward-backward differential equation that models nerve conduction in a myelinated axon. We look for a solution of an equation defined in R, which tends to known values at ±∞. Extending the approach introduced in [5, 10, 6] for linear case, a numerical method for the solution of problem, is adapted to non linear case using a continuation method 1.


Mixed-type functional differential equations, Non linear Boundary Value Problem, Nerve Conduction, Collocation, Continuation Method, Numerical Approximation, Method of Steps.


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Cite this paper

M. Filomena Teodoro. (2016) Numerical Approach of a Nonlinear Forward-backward Equation. International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods, 1, 75-78


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