

Jaromíra Chýlková, Markéta Tomášková



Voltammeric Analysis of Selected Toxic Inorganic Substances in Air and Water

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Voltammetric methods represent an independent alternative besides other procedures in use, such as, e.g., spectrophotometric or separation methods, and can be perceived as their useful supplement. The aim of this paper was suggested suitable methods of determination of selected toxic inorganic substances. The results of this research show a new approach to the problem of pollutants in environment, especially in air or water. Arsenic, mercury and thalium were studied in this paper.


arsenic, thalium, mercury, voltammetry


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Cite this paper

Jaromíra Chýlková, Markéta Tomášková. (2016) Voltammeric Analysis of Selected Toxic Inorganic Substances in Air and Water. Environmental Science, 1, 200-203


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