

Crutescu Ruxandra



Sustainable Efficient Energy Concept for Passive Office Building

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This work presents an innovative building system used to build energy efficient buildingsaccording to passive, nearly zero-energy, zero energy or plus energy standard. By introducing this concept in the first design phase, the result is an ecological building with low energy consumption.We want to show the advantages for the interior comfort, and alsofor the economic and environmental terms. The building system consists indoor insulated concrete forms –ICF produced in Arcon Amvic Bragadiru. We want to highlight the advantages for the owner, consisting in having excellent interior comforted bills with insignificant amounts.


energy efficient building, sustainable energy, passive concept, simple solution


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Cite this paper

Crutescu Ruxandra. (2016) Sustainable Efficient Energy Concept for Passive Office Building. International Journal of Environmental Science, 1, 92-96


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