AUTHOR(S): Suad Hassan Danook, Kamal Jalal Tawfeeq, Ashraf Najmadeen Hussein
ABSTRACT In this paper Simulation was done by varying aspect ratio and shape in residential building in Kirkuk city .Preparation the weather data of Kirkuk climate as requirements of simulation residential building with net area 135.2m2 irregular shape was taken. Four states of aspect ratio (1:1,1:1.25,1:1.5,1:2) was chosen which represent the shape of building &rotate each state to eight orientation (north, north east ,east ,south east ,south ,south west ,west, north west).The results shows that the square shape of building (aspect ratio 1:1) is more energy efficient than other aspect ratio &specially when pointing the building to west orientation and the saving in annual energy is about 10% from the value of consume annual energy with aspect ratio (1:2) in north direction and this efficiency decreases with increasing aspect ratio. |
KEYWORDS Aspect ratio, Shape, Orientation, Energy performance of building, Annul energy |
REFERENCES [1]Energy Standard For Non Residential Buildings in Arab Countries ,George Bassili Hanna [1]Energy Standard For Non Residential Buildings in Arab Countries ,George Bassili Hanna |
Cite this paper Suad Hassan Danook, Kamal Jalal Tawfeeq, Ashraf Najmadeen Hussein. (2016) Simulation the Effect of Shape and Orientation on Energy Performance for Residential Building in Kirkuk. International Journal of Environmental Science, 1, 75-83 |