

Sang-Jae Lee, Eui-Haeng Lee, Md. Mamun, Kwang-Guk An



Multiple Ecological Parameters Analysis in Streams and Rivers



We evaluated multiple ecological parameters of streams and rivers within a same watershed for a diagnosis of physical, chemical, and biological conditions. Water quality such as nutrients (N, P), BOD, suspended solids, and specific conductivity were analyzed to detect a chemical pollution. Physical habitat conditions were determined by Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI), and the biological conditions were determined by fish analysis, based on the multi-metric fish model of the Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) for evaluations of the biological stream health. In addition, we analyzed fish fauna and compositions in the streams and rivers along with the analysis of tolerance and trophic guilds. Ecological stream/rivers health were analyzed using the all dataset of physical habitat, chemical, and biological components. These approach may be provide a key data for an ecological restoration of impaired lotic ecosystems.


Multiple parameter analysis, stream habitat, water quality, biological integrity


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Sang-Jae Lee, Eui-Haeng Lee, Md. Mamun, Kwang-Guk An. (2017) Multiple Ecological Parameters Analysis in Streams and Rivers. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 31-39


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