TITLE Major Industrial Accidents prevention in European union and in Slovak Republic context |
ABSTRACT The European Union has been solving the society-wide area of preventing the major industrial accident which can threaten the environment and life, health and the property of the EU citizens through its centres Join Research Centre and Major Accident Hazards Bureau as well as selected institutions of the EU member states and belongs to one of the public security research. For carrying out these regulations and rules which adapt the area of the major industrial accident prevention in the individual EU states, the SEVESO directive was issued in 1982 and it has been amended for several times since then (1996 and 2003). Due to the changes during the first five years the responsible bodies in this area decided about amending this directive also in 2012 and a new directive SEVESO III was adopted. In the same way the Slovak Republic fulfils the requirements stated by this directive and transposes the necessary changes to the legal environment and industrial practice. University of Žilina in Žilina has been solving this problem in project called MOPORI – Complex model of Risk Assessment in Industrial processes which is mentioned also in this article. |
KEYWORDS MOPORI, risk assessment, industrial accidents prevention, Seveso establishment, Seveso II, Seveso III |
REFERENCES [1] Zánická Hollá, K., Ristvej, J., Šimák, L.. Risk assessment in industrial processes. Iura Edition, spol. s. r. o., ISBN 978-80-8078-344- 0, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. 2010 [1] Zánická Hollá, K., Ristvej, J., Šimák, L.. Risk assessment in industrial processes. Iura Edition, spol. s. r. o., ISBN 978-80-8078-344- 0, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. 2010 |
Cite this paper Katarina Holla. (2016) Major Industrial Accidents prevention in European union and in Slovak Republic context. International Journal of Environmental Science, 1, 19-27 |