

Tanja Angleitner, Davorin Kralj



Leading Energy Efficiency Change

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The growing importance of the energy efficiency question has led many executives to modify their energy policies. Energy efficiency is integrated into business strategy. The integration of energy efficiency and “green” issues in the enterprise system thinking and in the business policy has significant environmental, social, financial, managerial and organizational implications for the corporate system, thus requiring firms to re-design their business philosophy and culture, value chain activities and processes. Integrated system approach integrates the requirements of energy efficiency with all other business requirements. Energy efficiency and “green” innovation in management and technologies and how they are applied are key to enabling corporate to create new business values while also benefiting stakeholders, people and the planet as whole. In recent years, enterprises have been upgrading their efforts towards sustainable acting from environmental prevention to integrated approaches that take into account product lifecycles and wider impacts. Energy efficiency helps to enable this evolution through a combination of “soft” non-technological (culture, habits, management and leadership approach) and “hard” technological changes that can yield substantial environmental and energy efficiency improvements. The environmental challenge and energy efficiency must be seen as a major source of managerial change


Business, Environment, Energy Efficiency, Management, Organization Model.


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Cite this paper

Tanja Angleitner, Davorin Kralj. (2016) Leading Energy Efficiency Change. International Journal of Environmental Science, 1, 59-65


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