

Vincenzo Piemonte, Mauro Capocelli, Marina Prisciandaro



Kinetic Features of PCDD Adsorption in Carbon Beds

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In this paper, starting from the knowledge of thermodynamic parameters, the adsorption of toxic dioxins is studied in the conditions typically encountered in flue gas treatment processes. The six more poisonous species among all congeners of dioxin group are considered. In particular the theoretical adsorption isotherms are derived and a mathematical tool for planning a feasible fixed bed adsorbers proposed, based on breakthrough and the mass transfer zone curves.


Dioxin, adsorption, activated carbon. kinetics modelling, breakthrough curves, mass transfer zone curves


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Cite this paper

Vincenzo Piemonte, Mauro Capocelli, Marina Prisciandaro. (2016) Kinetic Features of PCDD Adsorption in Carbon Beds. Environmental Science, 1, 195-199


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