

Marc A. Rosen, Ron Tolmie



Compact Exergy Storage Systems

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Countries that have cold winters can use the ground to store summer heat for use in the winter but since the temperature of such stored heat is too low for normal heat distribution systems heat pumps are needed to raise the temperature. With ground source heat pump systems the heat pumps operate throughout the day in the winter but if instead they are used in the summer then they need to run only at night when the supply of electricity is plentiful. The result is that the storage system is effectively storing electricity as well as heat. Such combined storage systems can provide for the thermal needs of buildings for space heating and cooling and hot water and they can also provide a means for managing the consumption of electricity on a large scale throughout the year. An effective way to build such stores is to split the storage into two parts: a long term store that uses the ground for storage and a hot water tank that provides for short term storage of heat at a higher temperature. This type of thermal storage can be linked to hydro power storage to shift the grid power supply timing to meet a fluctuating power demand. This both reduces the power demand peaks and enhances the production of electricity, and also results in a compact field of heat exchange boreholes.


exergy, energy, energy storage, heat pump, heat exchanger, solar energy, isothermal, borehole


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[13] NRCan web site: http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/renewableelectricity/7295 

[14] NRCan web site: http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/18366

Cite this paper

Marc A. Rosen, Ron Tolmie. (2016) Compact Exergy Storage Systems. International Journal of Environmental Science, 1, 317-325


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