

Petousi I., Fountoulakis M., Papadaki A., Sabathianakis I., Daskalakis G., Nikolaidis N., Manios T.



Assessment of Water Management Measures through SWOT Analysis: The Case of Crete Island, Greece

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The “Management Plan for the River Basin Districts of Crete, Greece” is a successful plan that fulfils the contractual responsibilities of the country to the European Union. However, the plan does not include an overall assessment and prioritization of the Programme of Measures (PoM) which is a prerequisite for the rational use of available resources. During this work, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis was applied as a decision-making tool in order to assess each measure. Reduction of irrigation water, control of fertilizers, exploitation of saline karstic springs, wastewater recycling, and construction of small dams are some of measures suggested.


river basin, aquifer, SWOT analysis, water resources, water policy, groundwater


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Cite this paper

Petousi I., Fountoulakis M., Papadaki A., Sabathianakis I., Daskalakis G., Nikolaidis N., Manios T.. (2017) Assessment of Water Management Measures through SWOT Analysis: The Case of Crete Island, Greece. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 59-62


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