

Onur Kurt, Gokhan Kalem, Ozalp Vayvay, Zeynep Tugce Kalender



The Role of Mobile Devices and Applications in Supply Chains

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Nowadays, fierce competition remains a major characteristic of today’s business environment. The companies have to adopt new technologies in their business processes and especially supply chains to be able to maintain their position and grow. Mobile technologies and their products such as smartphones, tablets, applications etc. are the leading factors which the companies require to follow closely. Dynamic and competitive market drags the companies to the mobile supply chain management (SCM) when redefining their interactions with suppliers, customers and business partners. To understand its benefits, the drivers of mobile supply chain management are explained in detail by giving their use areas in the industry reviewing literature remarkably. In addition, the paper set light to how the firms achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace using smartphones and tablets, as well as mobile applications in supply chain management. At the end, new trends and proposals are given in terms of customers’ requirements and advances of mobile technologies such as Internet of Things. In this research, it is aimed to understand the role of mobile devices and applications well by explaining characteristics of mobile supply chain management.


Mobile supply chain management, mobile devices, mobile applications, mobile technologies


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Cite this paper

Onur Kurt, Gokhan Kalem, Ozalp Vayvay, Zeynep Tugce Kalender. (2016) The Role of Mobile Devices and Applications in Supply Chains. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 1, 94-103


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