TITLE The Dual Aspect of Accounting Transaction and the Assets-Claims on Assets Equivalence |
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to analyze the justification of the assets-claims on assets equivalence, based on the dual aspect of accounting transactions. Assets and claims on assets were considered as sets; the analysis used the axiomatic method, a definition of accounting axioms, and a test of the equality of the assets-claims on assets cardinality by a bijective functionThe results show that the assets cardinality is not equal to the cardinality of claims on assets when taking into account the dual aspect of accounting transactions. |
KEYWORDS Dual aspect, accounting transactions, axiomatic method, cardinality, balance sheet |
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Cite this paper Fernando Juarez. (2016) The Dual Aspect of Accounting Transaction and the Assets-Claims on Assets Equivalence. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 1, 39-44 |