AUTHOR(S): Zacharoula Smyrnaiou, Menelaos Sotiriou, Sofoklis Sotiriou
ABSTRACT The 'Learning Science through theatre’ approach enables students to promote and reflect on the interaction between all types of cognitive systems and accomplish the cognitive transfer from Science to Art, in other words the transition from STEM to STEAM (Science, Technologies, Engineering, ARTS or ALL SUBJECTS, and Mathematics). This way students are enabled to develop their understanding of and engagement with both scientific and artistic ways of thinking through hands-on experimentation with real scientific data and development of art objects. This approach is compatible to Inquiry- based learning principles and enhances students’ understanding of scientific inquiry. Students build their understanding on scientific concepts applying and developing knowledge from the whole curriculum (multidisciplinary approach) and become acquainted with the concept of learning science creatively. A key finding in this approach is that students manage to realize and reflect on peripheral issues that influence science such as the timeline of the development of scientific concepts, the contemporary time, and the socio- cultural factors that have an impact on science. As a result, students are significantly enhanced in developing the necessary skills to make some assumptions regarding the future scientific developments and their societal impact as well. In general, the 'Learning Science through theatre’ approach follows a scientific approach while opening doors to experiencing new possibilities on several levels. |
KEYWORDS Scientific Theatre, Inquiry- based Learning, Cognitive systems, Art, Culture |
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Cite this paper Zacharoula Smyrnaiou, Menelaos Sotiriou, Sofoklis Sotiriou. (2017) What Does Scientific Theatre Do? Toward an Inquiry- Based and Semiotic Theory Through a Cultural Approach. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 47-58 |