

Ewa Brzdek, Janusz Brzdek



The Warnke Method and Difficulties in Learning

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In spite of a normal, sometimes high, intelligence many of the children going to school have serious problems in learning some subject connected with engineering education, especially mathematics. Quite often the reason for this are disturbances called dyslexia and dyscalculia and it has been shown that there is a connection between problems in learning and the basic functions concerning time and frequency resolution in hearing, seeing and motor skills. The method of Warnke is one of important tools to diminish those problems. A special fourmonth-period of training can improve significantly the skills of reading, writing and calculating. The main item of the method are devices called: Brain-Boy Universal Professional, Brain-Boy Universal, Audio-Video-Trainer, Lateral-Trainer Professional. Children can improve seven basic functions by playing special games using the first two devices. Moreover, Audio-Video-Trainer and Lateral-Trainer Professional allows to develop coordination of hemispheres (corpus callosum), which is often impaired in function in case of dyslexia and dyscalculia and thus disturbances in the coordination and synchronization of the functions of the hemispheres arise. Warnke method training can not only improve the central processing of perceptions, but also may cause a significant transfer to reading, writing and calculating skills. The method can be used in general prevention against dyslexia and dyscalculia.


Dyscalculia, dyslexia, Warnke-method, difficulties in learning, low level functions


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Cite this paper

Ewa Brzdek, Janusz Brzdek. (2016) The Warnke Method and Difficulties in Learning. Education and Learning Systems, 1, 176-182


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