AUTHOR(S): Gustavo Magalhães Tercete, Kurt André Pereira Amann, Rodrigo Filev Maia
ABSTRACT Software tools are used in all levels of education in order to improve learning outcomes. There are several simulation tools based on active learning concepts and game based learning strategy used in STEM courses with a multitude of features designed to help students in the learning process. One difficulty of students in engineering courses are the abstraction of structures and their behaviour when forces are applied. The SimStructure software is based to active learning concepts and use a game engine to create a virtual learning environment to provide tools to build 3D structures, apply axial forces and evaluate the effects of such forces in the structure. In this work, it is discussed the learning outcomes of the application of SimStructure in an engineering class and it is also compared the use of SimStructure with other software and the traditional method. Results indicates that SimStructure produced a positive impact in the students learning, since SimStructure could provide mechanisms to students understand the physical effects of axial forces and node displacement. The results also indicate that students try to apply a set of concepts in any exercise when they try to solve it in traditional method regardless the kind of evaluation that it is required in the exercise. Using the software students changed this behaviour and try to think about the exercise before start to solve it. |
KEYWORDS Active learning, open educational resources, virtual learning environment, game engine, simulation games |
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Cite this paper Gustavo Magalhães Tercete, Kurt André Pereira Amann, Rodrigo Filev Maia. (2017) SimStructure: 3D simulation Tool to Evaluate the Learning Aspects of Students in an Engineering Course. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 18-24 |