

Lucie Jelinkova, Jan Fuka, Radka Knezackova



Management Game "Strategic Challenge" and its Development, Improving and Suitability for using in the Education Process

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The paper deals with the further development and improvement of previously created management game “Strategic challenge”. The game simulates real operations in a manufacturing plant by uploading specific model situations in the sphere of production, research and development, quality and control, finance, safety and health protection at work site, environment protection and supply chain. The aim of this game is to give students possibility to try to solve everyday issues relating to business operation in a risk-free environment. It is one of the active learning methods. It supports development of systems thinking, thereby leads to sharing and developing of knowledge in various fields. These activities are an integral part of knowledge management. Effective knowledge management which uses modern approaches is necessary due to its growing importance in contemporary Czech society. The aim of this paper is verify the suitability of the proposed game in education process by using piloting game. The aim of the piloting research was to determine positive effects on the quality of education.


Decision making, level of knowledge, quality of human capital, simulation management game, systematic thinking


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Lucie Jelinkova, Jan Fuka, Radka Knezackova. (2016) Management Game "Strategic Challenge" and its Development, Improving and Suitability for using in the Education Process. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 1, 1-8


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