

Marek Beránek, Vladimír Kovár



Increasing Classroom Interactivity at Unicorn College Using Advanced Learning Techniques

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In this paper we describe our efforts at the Unicorn College in Prague, Czech Republic to support student learning using modern advanced learning techniques that include Interactive Textbooks, Podcasts, Nearpod software applications, and use of Ozobot in programming classes. Various interactive learning environments are becoming an integral part of university education and there is increasing evidence that interactive learning has the potential to improve learning outcomes. There is also increasing evidence that the availability of study materials online does not automatically lead to improved learning outcomes. While our experience with using an interactive learning platform is still relatively short, we are strongly convinced that interactive classroom environment can make the learning experience more rewarding for the students and at the same time rewarding for the teachers.


Advanced Learning Techniques, Interactive Textbook, Podcast, Nearpod, Student Engagement, Ozobot


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Cite this paper

Marek Beránek, Vladimír Kovár. (2016) Increasing Classroom Interactivity at Unicorn College Using Advanced Learning Techniques. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 1, 183-190


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