AUTHOR(S): Daniel Kucerka, Monika Karkova, Ivana Smidova, Henryk Noga
ABSTRACT The goal of this articlde is to show the creation of literary resources for teaching the first and second year of practical teaching in the field Hairdresser. The first part covers the hairdressing industry as a whole, the characteristics of the subject of training and explain the importance of literary ressource and characterize the educational means. We processed the new teaching resources which include the information about hair dye. We added here the photographs and the questionnaire survey. The results of our survey show that the materials currently used in practical teaching should be adapted and aligned more closely to the grade and type of school. |
KEYWORDS teaching resources, teaching equipment, hair dye |
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Cite this paper Daniel Kucerka, Monika Karkova, Ivana Smidova, Henryk Noga . (2016) Creation of Literary Resource. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 1, 86-92 |