AUTHOR(S): Sanjay S. Sirsat, Manisha S. Sirsat
ABSTRACT The advancement of information technology and high performance computing technology encourages every area such as in the present scenario; the public sector enterprises face huge competition at national and global level. Due to liberalization and globalization, more emphasis needs to be on quality, time line, innovation and customer orientation but it requires an accurate, fast, effective information system so that evaluation of information system is necessary with the aspect of organizational objectives. It does not only calculate the performance of hardware, software, computer network, and data but also achievement of all objectives of the enterprise. The use of information systems (IS) have been increasing in the last decade across the application architecture not only in private business enterprises, but also in public and government enterprises so that information systems success model can be considered in all contexts. This paper is focused on review of DeLone and McLean evaluation model, comparative analysis of original and updated model of DeLone and McLean and to validate information success of the Indian government UDISE system by applying the same model. In this paper the authors have successfully validated the model in the government of Maharashtra’s system |
KEYWORDS Information Success (IS), Management Information System (MIS), Reliability, Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) |
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Cite this paper Sanjay S. Sirsat, Manisha S. Sirsat. (2016) A Validation of The Delone And Mclean Model On The Educational Information System Of The Maharashtra State (India). International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 1, 9-18 |