AUTHOR(S): Berfin Kalay, Metin Demiralp |
KEYWORDS Parametric recurrences, Asymptoticity, Quantum spectral problems, Autonomous systems, Hydrogen-like systems |
ABSTRACT The main subject of this work comes from the applications of Probabilistic Evolution Theory (PREVTH) proposed and then developed in few recent years. Basic aim is to use a set of time-independent expectation value equations based on a given univariate function of the position operator. By choosing an appropriate basis set it is possible to construct a recurrence which contains the unknown energy parameter of the system. By finding the asymptotic solution of the recursion and then using it in the very first finite number of equations we have shown that an approximation scheme can be established to get the energy of the system and a set of expectation values constructed from the basis set of the recurrence. The confirmative applications to the stationary solutions of the hydrogen-like systems are also given. |
Cite this paper Berfin Kalay, Metin Demiralp. (2016) An Asymptoticity Based Solution to Parametric Recurrences: Formulation and the Confirmation via Quantum Hydrogen-like Systems’ Expectation Value Evolutions. International Journal of Applied Physics, 1, 48-56