Studies Regarding Finishing and Work Hardening the Internal Surfaces by Radial Vibratory Rolling Method

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The paper presents a series of studies regarding the influence of the main constructive and cinematic parameters of the finishing-work hardening tools, on the durability of these tools and on the productivity of the manufacturing process. Thus, is studying the influence of the diameter of the rolling elements (balls) and the angle of the pressure cones "a" on the productivity of the machining, as well as the influence of the ratio between the pulsation of the rolling elements and the rolling speed, on the distribution of the unitary efforts, respectively on the durability of the tools used.


rolling vibration, work hardening, finishing, accuracy


Cite this paper

Badea Lepadatescu, Anisor Nedelcu. (2018) Studies Regarding Finishing and Work Hardening the Internal Surfaces by Radial Vibratory Rolling Method. Mechanical Engineering, 3, 98-102


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