

Norizan Abdul Razak, Siti Nurul Asma’ Amran



The Analysis of Effective Use of Texts and Graphics in Online Advertising

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The power of technology is no longer can be denied as it holds the most important role that plays around human needs. From banking, shopping, entertainment or even when you want to read comics, the application of technology is what people are looking for. Due to its advanced features, social media has been a perfect tool for certain people, companies, industries and even institutions to use it to connect and deliver any intended information to their target users. Therefore, this recent study is going to identify themes of writing and frequency of its occurences in social media, to identify online writing features and lastly, to propose the effective online writing strategies in the social media in the context of a public university. Four official and unofficial university’s Facebook pages are used in order to achieve the purposes of conducting this study through content analysis. The results show that there are five main strategies of the effective online writing identified which are simple and readable content, semi-formal and suitable word choice, eye-catching pictures and video, and lastly non-linguistic effective features offered in social media. Almost 80% of the effective strategies in marketing social media involves linguistic strategies and the rest is the non-linguistic strategies. The model of effective online writing has been proposed based on the findings found in terms of university’s context.


Social Media activities, Facebook pages, effective online writing, online writing strategies, technology and education


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Cite this paper

Norizan Abdul Razak, Siti Nurul Asma’ Amran. (2017) The Analysis of Effective Use of Texts and Graphics in Online Advertising. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 89-99


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