

Mihaela Popescu



Some Investigations Regarding the Academic Performance of Students Related to the Various Learning Activities



Self-regulated learning concerns the application of general models of regulation and self-regulation to issues of learning that takes places in classroom contexts. The aim of this research is to investigate to what extent the academic performance of the first year students is related with the various learning activities that students employ and to investigate some of the psychometric properties of the Romanian version of ILS (Inventory of Learning Style). The analyses concluded that students' learning patterns are associated with personal and contextual factors, such as the type of academic discipline, academic achievement and age.


academic performance, psychometric properties, learning patterns, contextual factors 


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Cite this paper

Mihaela Popescu. (2017) Some Investigations Regarding the Academic Performance of Students Related to the Various Learning Activities. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 110-114


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