

Zuhaira Najjar



Implementation of the National Ict Plan for the 21st Century Among Arab Teachers as a Result of Readiness to Change, Ict Proficiency and Demographics

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This study addresses the extent to which the National ICT plan for the 21st Century is implemented among Arab teachers while examining correlations between their readiness to change, their proficiency in ICT as well as their demographic characteristics and the implementation of the plan. Findings show significant correlations between the study variables while the perception of change efficacy to change and the value of the change to the Organization are key factors that affect positively ICT proficiency and the implementation of the plan. However, ICT proficiency is the main factor that predicts largely the degree of implementation among Arab teachers at elementary schools


The National ICT Plan for 21st Century, ICT proficiency, Readiness to change


Cite this paper

Zuhaira Najjar. (2019) Implementation of the National Ict Plan for the 21st Century Among Arab Teachers as a Result of Readiness to Change, Ict Proficiency and Demographics. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 4, 80-89


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