

Zalizah Awang Long, Wan Suriyani Che Wan Ahmad, Zaifilla Farrina Zainuddin, Mariati Mohd Salleh, Kim De Silva



GHOCS: Capturing Creativity in Shifting Character Building for Student Development

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Graduate Higher Order Critical Skills (GHOCS) is uniquely designed to meet UniKL’s requirements to portray UniKL graduates’ character. This is in line in Malaysia’s education blueprint, which identifies four domains – fondly referred to as JERI, based on its Malay acronym: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Intellectual, to equip school and university students alike with the necessary skills to survive in the world back then. Fast forward to the present, with changes taking place around the world, school-leavers, and the graduates of higher learning institutions are expected to be equipped with not only knowledge, but soft skills that match the needs required by the industry. GHOCS was introduced to UniKL students to reduce the competency gap in the employability skills as highlighted by the industry, and it will visualize the students’ self-development progress shown by the “spider web” of skills obtained throughout their studies in UniKL. It is expected that UniKL will inspiration other TVET institutions, and boost the employability rate for the nation’s graduates


Student Development, Student Character Building, GHOCS


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Cite this paper

Zalizah Awang Long, Wan Suriyani Che Wan Ahmad, Zaifilla Farrina Zainuddin, Mariati Mohd Salleh, Kim De Silva. (2017) GHOCS: Capturing Creativity in Shifting Character Building for Student Development. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 211-217


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