AUTHOR(S): I Ketut Suardika, Alberth, Emil Wiramihardja, Barlian, Abdul Halim Momo
TITLE Flipped Classroom in the Realm of Higher Education: Potential and Challenges |
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ABSTRACT The advent of new technologies open infinite opportunities for educational endeavors. One such opportunity can be seen in the so-called 'flipped classroom’, also known as 'reverse teaching’. This paper examines the potential of flipped classroom in the realm of higher education by scrutinizing its potential benefits along with challenges that need to be attended to. In particular, this paper argues that flipped classrooms can potentially address a number of classical predicaments associated with conventional lectures. Additionally, it is argued that flipped classroom can potentially make face-to-face time with the teacher more efficient and well-spent while, at the same time, allow for more flexibility, more convenience, and more time for learning outside of the 'brick and wall classroom’. However, in order for a reverse classroom to work, teachers need to appropriately decide on the types of learning activities that need to be flipped (what activities are conducted outside the class meeting and what activities are conducted during class meetings). Inappropriate flip of these activities may result in the learning being hampered. Implications of flipped classroom on education will be examined in this paper. |
KEYWORDS Flipped classroom, Hybrid instruction |
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Cite this paper I Ketut Suardika, Alberth, Emil Wiramihardja, Barlian, Abdul Halim Momo. (2016) Flipped Classroom in the Realm of Higher Education: Potential and Challenges. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 1, 164-168 |