

V. I. Zubtsov



Controlling the Polarization of Segnetoelectrics While Increasing the Specific Power and Specific Energy of the Powertrain to Increase the Idle Speed and Reduce the Charging Time of Electric Vehicles

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This article discusses a small-size installation created using ferropiezoelectric ceramics to generate additional electricity. The use of an electrochemical generator in the unit makes it possible to increase the efficiency of electricity generation by controlling the polarization of ferropiezoelectric ceramics and applying innovation. At the consumption of 1 joule of electricity (using mechanical energy), 2...4 joules of electricity are generated at the output. The technology of increasing the energy is realized in two stages: the first stage increases the degree of polarization of the ferroelectric element, and the second stage increases the electrical power supplied to the load. The efficiency of the electrical installation is about 55...60 percent and depends on the modification of the ceramic and the electrical circuit.


Reorientation, solid solutions, domains, energy, polarization, technology, batteries, electric transport


Cite this paper

V. I. Zubtsov. (2023) Controlling the Polarization of Segnetoelectrics While Increasing the Specific Power and Specific Energy of the Powertrain to Increase the Idle Speed and Reduce the Charging Time of Electric Vehicles. International Journal of Circuits and Electronics, 8, 27-34


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