

Aureo E. P. Figueiredo, Sergio Hoeflich, Leticia Figueiredo, Ricardo D. Carvalhal, Sergio L. Pereira, Eduardo Dias



ITS for Safety: Some Considerations on Effectiveness Analysis of New Tech for Achieving a Safer Environment

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This paper presents some considerations on the Intelligent Transportation Systems-ITS contributions for a safer environment. The development of new technologies integrating solutions for ITS is only at threshold of great possibilities for the foreseeing future. Aspects related to people, vehicles (cars, trains, ships and others), the environment (roads, railroads, waterways and port terminals) and the interaction between these systems supporting the sustainability are constantly improved. Nevertheless, several solutions to the citizen’s daily lives are already available and implemented, but different feelings arise daily among potential users, including conflicts of various kinds. This paper discusses general performance aspects, how to test and confirm the safety of the devices and processes themselves, in order to harmonize the efforts of researchers and manufacturers toward public confidence. As an example, some safety issues of monitoring and control of motor propelled boats circulation in the estuary of the port of Santos, Brazil, are examined.


Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITS, safety


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Cite this paper

Aureo E. P. Figueiredo, Sergio Hoeflich, Leticia Figueiredo, Ricardo D. Carvalhal, Sergio L. Pereira, Eduardo Dias. (2016) ITS for Safety: Some Considerations on Effectiveness Analysis of New Tech for Achieving a Safer Environment. International Journal of Environmental Science, 1, 171-175


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