

Dan Victor Cavaropol, Cosma Robin



Floods and National Security of Romania

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In the last decades, the number of meteorological and hydrological disasters has increased gradually planetary being affected hundreds of millions of people every year. Therefore, it is imperative that people, groups and human communities, state institutions with relevant expertise to understand the vulnerability and sensitivity to these phenomena, both in the short and medium. On the other hand, stakeholders, formal and informal in society should recognize the need for interdisciplinary studies, development models and prediction of the emergence and evolution of risks and threats hydro meteorological event.


hydrological disasters, floods, national security, emergence


[1] The Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language, http://www.dexonline.ro [1] The Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language, http://www.dexonline.ro 

[2] Romania's National Strategy for Flood Risk Management 

[3] Alex Macleod, Isabelle Masson, David Morin, Identité nationale, sécurité et la théorie des relations internationales, http://id.erudit.org/iderudit/008445ar. 

[4] Prevention Web, Romania – Country Profile for Natural Disasters from 1983-2008, www.preventionweb.net 

[5] SCHMIDT-THOME, Philipp (edt.), The Spatial Effects and Management of Natural and Technological Hazards in Europe ESPON 1.3.1, ESPON, 2006 

[6] United Nations, 2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction, Published by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), Geneva, Switzerland, May 2009

Cite this paper

Dan Victor Cavaropol, Cosma Robin. (2016) Floods and National Security of Romania. International Journal of Environmental Science, 1, 84-87


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