

Flavia Lima, Andrea L. Silva , Maria L. R. P. D. Scoton, Elcio Brito, Eduardo Dias, Ronaldo Brito



Medicine Traceability Models and its Drivers: Some Insights from USA, European Union, Turkey, Argentina and Brazil

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In this paper the existing medicine traceability models in 4 countries and European Union are analyzed. The objective is to verify similarities and differences among the models regarding important criteria such as implementation phases, goals, governance, technologies and information flow. The study employed a review of existing literature on the theme and interviews with experts. The findings show that there is not a consensus about the best medicine traceability model around the world: each regulation has its own peculiarities. The government’s objectives - beside patient’s safety - play an important role on traceability model requirements. The authors also verified that, in spite of the advances motivated by new laws, organizations still have a lot of work to use traceability as a tool of supply chain management.


supply chain management, medicine traceability models, healthcare


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Cite this paper

Flavia Lima, Andrea L. Silva , Maria L. R. P. D. Scoton, Elcio Brito, Eduardo Dias, Ronaldo Brito. (2016) Medicine Traceability Models and its Drivers: Some Insights from USA, European Union, Turkey, Argentina and Brazil. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 1, 163-168


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