

Dana Prochazkova, Jan Prochazka, Vaclav Dostal



Tool for Management of Safety of Critical Technical Installations with Small Modular Reactor

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Technical installations with small modular reactors (SMRs) are increasingly prepared to use in practice. They are critical installations due to content and work with dangerous substances be-cause these are sources of fire, explosion and environment contamination. Therefore, for hu-man society and its development, it is necessary to manage not only their nuclear safety, but also their integral (complex) safety, because just integral safety ensures the security and devel-opment of human society. The approach to safety and concept of safety management used by manufacturer, operator and regulator must be same. For this purpose, we give in article a tool showing the main features and requirements for management of the integral safety of such in-stallations.


Generic model of safety management; Integral safety; Risks; Small modular reactors (SMR); Systemic approach; Technical installations with SMR


Cite this paper

Dana Prochazkova, Jan Prochazka, Vaclav Dostal. (2023) Tool for Management of Safety of Critical Technical Installations with Small Modular Reactor. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 8, 1-8


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