

Agus Susanto, Al Musadieq, Kadarisman, Mohammad Iqbal



Factors Affecting Donation Behavior By Considering Religiosity as a Moderating Variable

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The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that affect the conduct of public fund donations. the use of possibility to Donate as a predictor in principle of planned conduct is a novelty on this take a look at. similarly, attitude, Perceived Behavioral manipulate, Religiosity, Donation intention, and Donation behavior are also a part of this research. everyone who're registered as active individuals of BPJAMSOSTEK in East Java Province are covered in the populace of this take a look at, with a sample of 400 people. The data evaluation method used to check the hypothesis is SEM WarpPLS. opportunity to Donate has a sizable superb impact on attitude, however no longer on Perceived conduct manage. mind-set manipulate and Behavioral notion greatly have an effect on Donation Intentions, which has a fine effect on Donation behavior. The have an impact on of aim to Donate on Donating conduct is reinforced by means of religiosity. BPJAMSOSTEK need to broaden a form of labor protection activity to offer welfare for all Indonesian workers to inspire donation conduct most of the wider community.


Donation Opportunity, Intention to Donate, Donating Behavior, Theory of Planned Behavior


Cite this paper

Agus Susanto, Al Musadieq, Kadarisman, Mohammad Iqbal. (2022) Factors Affecting Donation Behavior By Considering Religiosity as a Moderating Variable. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 7, 149-160


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