Experimental Evaluation of Free Space Optical device performance as a function of weather conditions

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This research focuses on the effects of weather conditions on the performance of the Free Space Optics devices. At the University of Wollongong in Dubai, Free Space Optics (FSO) device was deployed in 2012 providing wireless connection between the three buildings of the University as it is crucial to the entire IT infrastructure. However, the major drawback of Free Space Optics was the data bandwidth limitation. Weather impact on the link visibility was another major problem. Weather data and Free Space Optics performance were collected throughout the year of 2013. The FSO bandwidth performance is measured in Megabit per second (Mbps). The link visibility translating the availability of the FSO system was also measured. Weather data included temperature, humidity and wind speed. This work highlights the experimental outdoor Free Space Optical (FSO) communication system performance and studies the climatic impact within Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Free Space Optics, bandwidth, weather interference, regression, Microwave Link


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Abdellatif Tchantchane, Bryan Cabije, Munir Lutfi. (2021) Experimental Evaluation of Free Space Optical device performance as a function of weather conditions. International Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement, 6, 1-8


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