Rules used in Decision Process based on Fuzzy Sets

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The paper presents an application of Decision Process based Fuzzy Sets used in fabrication scheduling. The inputs in fuzzy procedure are the simple scheduling rules, changed in scheduling criteria. There are three criteria: Select the job with the Shortest Imminent Operation- SIO, Select the job with Smallest ratio obtained by Dividing the processing Time of the imminent operation by the total processing time for the part- SDT, Select the job with Smallest ratio obtained by Multiplying the processing Time of the imminent operation by the total processing time for the part- SMT. These criteria are aggregated with Fuzzy Sets characteristic method. The output variable is the priority of fabrication for each job.


decision process, fuzzy sets, shortest imminent operation, smallest dividing time, smallest multiplying time


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Badea Lepadatescu. (2020) Rules used in Decision Process based on Fuzzy Sets. International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods, 5, 69-74


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