Outcome or Process Regret: Consequences of Brand Trust to Consumer Purchase Regret

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When consumers purchase a product, there are certain expectations as regards its uses/functions. They will experience post-purchase regrets if the product is not in accordance with the initial expectations. These regrets are due to outcome purchase and process purchase. This study was carried out having two major objectives. First was to find out the influence of brand trust on consumer purchase regret. Second was to examine brand reliability and brand intentions were significant determinants of outcome and process regret. The questionnaire technique was employed for the collection of data, and this involved 305 participants. The result confirmed that brand trust was a significant influence on consumer regret. It also revealed brand reliability to be a major predictor of reducing consumers’ outcome and process regrets. These findings indicated that a brand plays a vital role in becoming an identifiable product and protects consumers from unpleasant psychological stages.


outcome regret, process regret, brand reliability, brand intention, post purchase, consumer regret


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Zulkarnain, Eka Dj Ginting, Ferry Novliadi, Surya Siahaan. (2020) Outcome or Process Regret: Consequences of Brand Trust to Consumer Purchase Regret. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 5, 86-91


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