Automation of Traditional Butter and Ghee Production

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Traditionally, Jordanian butter has always been made from yogurt. When a sufficient amount of sheep milk has been collected, it is fermented then churned by mechanical shaking until butter granules are formed. In making butter from yogurt, the objective of churning is to extract the maximum amount of fat by transferring the emulsion from oil in water to water in oil. The liquid that remains after extracting butter - buttermilk - is used to produce a type of dry yogurt called Jameed, a local dairy product in Jordan. This traditional method of churning is time-consuming, perhaps taking more than two hours. Observations made of traditional butter-making by smallholders have indicated that the process should be improved by increasing the efficiency of fat extraction from the yogurt and reducing the processing time, thereby improving the economic return. Toward this end, this research has achieved tow objectives, the first is designing one unit to process and automate the butter churning process, and the second one is improving the churning process efficiency. The ultimate goal of this research is achieved by building a one machine for the local organic butter, Fat and Jameed manufacturing. A device is developed that rapidly and consistently agitates milk to churn butter. This device has passed through several phases of development over the last years. Many experiments have been done to design and select churn parameters like rotor velocity, churn temperature. Many experiments also have been done to select the best sensors that can be used to control the whole process which includes heating, cooling, fermentation, and churning.


Dairy mechanization, Butter Churn, Process automation, Ghee Production


Cite this paper

Ahmad Aljaafreh, Riadh Al-Tahiri, Ahmad Abadleh, Ayman M. Mansour. (2019) Automation of Traditional Butter and Ghee Production. Food and Nutrition Science - An International Journal, 3, 45-52


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