

Mahmoud Al-Ahmar



Estimation of Machine Model Parameters- Case Study

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With introducing modern control methods in the operation of different electrical or mechanical machines, it is essential to develop an integrated mathematical model for the machine. The model is to calculate its inputs and outputs, which should match the performance of the machine. In order that, the model gives accurate inputs and outputs that matching the machine, it is necessary to introduce model parameters that are calculated according to machine rating as well as some laboratory measurements on the machine. In this research, a model of three phase induction motor is used to obtain the parameters of the proposed model using different methods. The calculations using that model can provide all laboratory operating results of the motor and satisfy its data sheet information. In this paper, different methods are used to estimate the parameters; curve fitting algorithm and iteration method. Accurate results of the model are obtained. The obtained results from the different methods are compared with the measured and show good agreement. Utilizing the slip-torque and slip-current motor characteristic, the estimation method is exhibited with some basic numerical illustrations


Model of Induction motor; Curve fitting, Parameter estimation, System Identification


Cite this paper

Mahmoud Al-Ahmar. (2019) Estimation of Machine Model Parameters- Case Study. International Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement, 4, 38-44


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